Why You Need A Valparaiso Replacement Windows Contractor

If you own an older home and your windows are original, you might want to consider a Valparaiso window replacement project. There are many benefits to updating your current windows. Some are aesthetic and others are financial. You, as a homeowner, will gain in all respects.
- It will improve your home's curb appeal. Replacing your Valparaiso windows will give your home a quick and very noticable improvement in its looks. New Valparaiso windows look clean and modern. Its equivalent to getting a new paint job. People passing by will notice the improvement immediately.
- Replacing your windows will increase your homes market value. Even though it costs several thousand dollars to have your Valparaiso windows replaced, you immediately gain most of that back in home value. The majority of real estate appraisers and realtors say that the value added to your home is approximately 80-85% of the cost of the upgrade. If your project cost you $8,000, your home would increase in value by about $6,400. And if you remain in your home for a few years, you would make up the 20% difference in appreciation.
- You'll notice a substantial savings in energy costs. Home energy specialists estimate you'll save 33% off your current energy bills. An average annual cost of heating and cooling of $2,500 would be reduced by $800. That's pretty substantial. In two to three years you'd gain back the cost of your Valparaiso window replacement cost.
- When you replace your old windows you'll notice a higher level of comfort. Were you aware that the majority of heat loss is through your Valparaiso windows? And the majority of cold drafts are also from your old windows. Not only will your furnace kick on as often, you'll just feel more cozy on those cold winter days.
Having a Valparaiso window replacement job done has many benefits. Even though the cost seems high, you'll recoup those costs in resale value, energy savings, and curb appeal.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5765321